Event Day: Saturday
For displaying events that take place on Saturday
Snowmobile Poker Rally
Registration Location: Agliplex
Registration Time: $20.00 for the first hand and $10.00 for each additional hand
Day Pass Cost [ avaliable on site ]: $25
Shuffle up and SnoMo! Hosted by the Alberta Beach Snowmobile Club, the Snowmobile Poker Rally is a very popular SnoMo Days events.
Your (approximate) 90 km journey will take you along the fabulous groomed trail heading west from Alberta Beach. At each of the five (5) checkpoints you will stop and pick poker chip. When you have completed the course, your 5- chip hand will be tallied and you may be eligible to share in over $1,000 in cash prizes and various other random draws!
Gather your family and friends to ride together, begin your ride as soon as you register, or gather as a group, but everyone must be on the trail by 11:00 am. Enjoy the sites along your ride and be sure to be back in the Agliplex by 5:00 pm.
Lunch options will be available but cash payment will be required.
Rally Ride Times: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Please note that an Alberta Snowmobile Association (ASA) Trail Pass is required to participate in the Rally. If you do not already have your ASA Trail Pass, you may purchase a day pass for $25. Trail Pass fees help to maintain the glorious trails all season long for all to enjoy.
Alberta Beach Snowmobile Club has been active in the community since 1970 and all proceeds from this event go directly to trail maintenance and help make snowmobiling a safe family sport. Happy trails!
Freeze Hunger
Location: Info tent on ice
Time: 10am-5pm
Beachwave Park
Car Racing on Ice
Registration: Tent on Ice 9am to 11am
Racing: 11:30 am to 4:00 pm
Cost: $16 – (children 10 & under free)
Monster Trucks
Location: On the Ice
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Pony Rides
Location: Left Side of Boat Launch
Time: 1PM – 3PM
The Alberta Beach & District Ag Society is proud to sponsor Horse/Pony Rides
Volunteers are the driving force behind the Alberta Beach & District Ag Society. Without their dedication a variety of community events just would not happen – thank you to all. Farmers Markets, Polynesian Days and What Women Want are just a few examples of the community activities. If you would like to give back to your community – even just a few hours – please consider obtaining more information about the Alberta Beach & District Agricultural Society.
Visit them at abagsociety.com
Spagetti Dinner
Location: Heritage Centre
Time: 5PM – 8PM
Cost: $15 for Adults and $10 for Children – Children 3 & under free
The Alberta Beach & District Active 50 Plus Club is pleased to host a spagetti feast! Come to the Heritage Centre (located behind the Alberta Beach Hotel – 5012 – 49 Ave.) for a spectacular meal, that includes garlic toast, salad, dessert, coffee or tea.
100 meals available.
Cash or eft payment will be accepted at the door.
Come and enjoy!
ATV & Snowmobile Parade
Location: From the Boat Launch and heads South
Time: 7PM
SnoMo Bonfire
Location: At the Lake
Time: 7pm
Come out an enjoy winter fun at its best! Experience the ambiance of the bonfire with fellow SnoMo Days guests gathered by the lake.